Late Filing Your Tax Forms This Year? 5 Tips to Help You Stress Less and Save Money on Your Taxes
Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” You can be sure that when April 18th arrives, the IRS will be looking for your tax forms. When it comes to filing taxes, the earlier the better. In spite of your...
Personal Finances Out of Order? 5 Smart Money Strategies to Clean Up Your Finances This Spring
When it comes to personal finances and building wealth, men of color lag behind white families. Consider the following data from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. White Families (Average Net Worth) - $983,400Black Families (Average Net Worth) -...
Learn to Earn: Develop These 5 High-Paying Tech Skills to Boost Your Income This Year
From inflation to oil prices, the global economy is ever-changing. Even if you have a job, you may be just one recession or global conflict away from the unemployment line. So, it's important to stay abreast of the latest technologies and learn in-demand skills. For...
Ready to Re-Enter the Workforce? 5 Ways to Address Career Gaps on Your Resume and Get Hired
The pandemic has impacted employment in a variety of ways. This is especially true for men of color and Black men in particular. According to an employment report by the Brookings Institution, there was a 4 percent decrease in employment for Black males from 2020 to...